Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) is an office of the Carroll County Department of Economic Development. CCWD administers the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act in collaboration with the Carroll Workforce Development Board and is dedicated to employment, training and workforce development.

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Carroll County Workforce Development brings this website to you as a vehicle to provide a one-stop shop of workforce development tools for businesses and job seekers.

CCWD is an office of the Carroll Workforce Development Board and the Carroll County Department of Economic Development. CCWD administers the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in Carroll County and is dedicated to employment, training and workforce development.



Our dedicated consultants provide customized workforce solutions for both start-up and established businesses. We work in partnership with you to help your business grow and prosper in Carroll County.

We offer recruitment assistance, customized training to maximize worker retention, educational workshops, labor market information and community resources. And for those businesses expanding or relocating to Carroll County, we offer resources and networking assistance.



Carroll County Workforce Development offers many ways to help you find a job! Job seekers will find access to hundreds of current job listings, an extensive career and employment resource lab, professional career assessment and counseling; individual skill development and job search workshops; training; one-on-one assistance with resume and interview preparation and job fairs featuring local major employers.

Best of all, these services are free of charge!



Our goal is to help any youth between 14-21 prepare for a productive and meaningful adulthood.

We help youths explore career and training opportunities, and find and keep the right job. We encourage and assist in obtaining a high school diploma or GED, and continue lifelong learning. To this end, we partner with the Carroll Community College to assist in preparation for the GED and graduation requirements.


Carroll County Workforce Development helps connect businesses with jobseekers and jobseekers with the skills they need to be successful. There has never been a better time to contact CCWD!

We're ready to assist you! To get started call 410-386-2820.


To be the leading source of professional and responsive workforce development services to businesses and job seekers.


Carroll County has a long history of providing community-based workforce development programs and resources in partnership with federal and state programs. Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) has been in existence in Carroll County for over 30 years. Operating under the Comprehensive Employment & Training Act (CETA), Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and currently the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), CCWD has remained focused on meeting the demands of local businesses and job seekers.
WIOA brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of federal investment in skill development:
• Employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states;
• Adult education and literacy programs and Vocational Rehabilitation state grant programs that assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment administered by the Department of Education.


CCWD works with the Carroll County Workforce Development Board and partners to develop a strategic, integrated plan that meets the county’s labor force needs and supports economic growth. We lead efforts to engage employers, develop and implement career pathways and enhance coordination with education partners.

Working with local and statewide workforce and labor market systems, CCWD is able to target workforce development and training programs to meet business and job seeker goals.

CCWD is the workforce development arm of the Carroll County Dept. of Economic Development. We assist existing businesses and those moving to the area with strategies that meet employers’ workforce needs, including incumbent worker training, registered apprenticeship, transitional jobs, on-the-job training, and customized training.

We also collaborate with other county agencies so that our job seekers, whether a low-income adult, dislocated worker, veteran or vulnerable youth, have the opportunity to access all resources that will help them reach economic success.