Veterans, Transitioning Military, and Spouses

Veterans receive priority service at CCWD.

The Maryland Department of Labor administers the Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) to provide services to veterans and eligible persons in the American Job Centers.

In accordance with the implementation of the Veterans’ Priority Provisions of the “Jobs for Veterans Act” (PL 107-288), qualified veterans receive priority referral to services over non-veterans as determined by each program’s mandatory eligibility criteria.

Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists provide intensive services to eligible Veterans and eligible spouses who face Significant Barriers to Employment (SBE) and therefore necessitate DVOP services to obtain or maintain employment.

Local Veteran Employment Representatives (LVER) conduct employer outreach, engage in advocacy efforts, organize and facilitate job clubs, and conduct pre-screening for hiring executives, local businesses, business associations, groups, industry partners and community based organizations. This is done in an effort to increase employment opportunities for Veterans, encourage the hiring of disabled Veterans, and generally assist Veterans to gain and retain employment. LVERs conduct seminars for employers and job clubs for eligible Veterans and spouses who are seeking employment.

Carroll County Veterans’ Services representative is:

Alex Brown
Veteran’s Service Representative
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP)
Division of Workforce Development & Adult Learning
224 North Center Street
Westminster, MD 21157
(410) 386-2849 office


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