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August 20, 2021Carroll County Receives Workforce Development Funding and Program Updates
Contact: Heather Powell, Manager
Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center
Carroll County Receives Workforce Development Funding and Program Updates
Westminster, MD, Monday, August 16, 2021 – Westminster, MD, Monday, August 16, 2021 – On August 12, 2021 during open session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners agreed to accept $861,119 in grant awards for Program Year (PY) 2021 and Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) formula grants; a PY 21 Summer Youth Connection grant of $30,416; and an American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Relief Funds award of $1,236,750.
Under the new American Rescue Plan Act, recovery funds will be available to Carroll County citizens to access work and learning opportunities as well as occupational training and apprenticeships. Center Manager Heather Powell said, “Citizens will find helpful staff and lots of resources to help them find a job, training options, or advance their careers.”
Powell also provided an update regarding the current Summer Youth program which is currently providing employment for 20 youth at 12 area businesses for six weeks. Additionally, BERC staff logged 4,485 center and virtual visits in FY20, providing services to over 1,213 citizens. Furthermore, over 311 businesses received assistance with local wage market data, employee assessment, and recruitment for job openings.
Carroll County became an independent workforce area of the state effective July 1, 2021, establishing a new Carroll Workforce Development Board of Directors comprised of local business leaders and agency partner representatives. A Carroll County Local Workforce Development Plan is under review for approval with the Maryland Department of Labor.
About Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center
Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center (BERC) is Economic Development’s workforce development agency that is part of America’s Job Network. The BERC mission is to develop a highly trained and effective workforce for new and existing businesses, to assist individuals in achieving employment and to encourage lifelong learning. BERC is open Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at www.carrollworks.com.
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