Please call 410-386-2820 to register for workshops. (unless otherwise noted)

The MD Dept of Labor requires customers receiving unemployment to show 3 activities relating to their job search, customers must be registered in the Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE) to receive credit. Before attending, please set up an account in the Maryland Workforce Exchange.

Current Month


HSP Financial Education Seminars

Credit is an Asset:  Understand what a credit report is and what  is on it, learn how to check your credit report and how to dispute errors, what a credit score is and what makes up a credit score.

Conquering Debt:  Learn steps to tackle debt and prioritize debt  repayment, what  to avoid in dealing with creditors and understand debt collection rules and ways to deal with debt collectors.

Earn It, Plan It, Keep  It:  Examine your money values and habits, learn how to set financial goals, and understand how and why to use a Spending Plan







Job Club Virtual

Join other job seekers in a networking group and share ideas, information and job leads.

Skills/Career Assessments

Evaluate  your basic academic skills in preparation for occupational training.  New Century program personalizes lessons to improve math and reading skills.  Career Scope offers an assessment of occupational interests and aptitudes to assist you with your next career move.

Ready, Set, Go!

Designed for small businesses in the planning phase of building a company. Participants will learn the “nuts & bolts” of becoming an entrepreneur, from business planning to legal business entity formation. Additional information is shared with the participant on the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), its services, what one can expect when entering the business world, the business plan, finance management, funding sources, marketing…a guide to beginning a successful future in a business world.

**Veterans and eligible spouses will be given priority of service.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication or who has a complaint should contact The Department of Citizen Services, 410.386.3600 or 1.888.302.8978 or MD Relay 7-1-1/1.800.735.2258 as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours before the scheduled event. Carroll County Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer/program; discrimination in WIOA Title I financially assisted programs or activities is prohibited by federal law; auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.