Job Seeker Services
Carroll County Workforce Development is an American Job Center that helps job seekers access career, education, employment, training, and support services to succeed in the local labor market. It is a public workforce agency that provides the following program information: Title 1 Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth programs; Adult Education and Literacy programs; the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service; and Title 1 of the Rehabilitation Act programs.
Career services covers a broad range of activities, including initial and comprehensive skills assessments, providing information about careers and the local labor market, job search assistance, development of an individual employment plan, career counseling, work experiences linked to careers, unemployment compensation information, and assistance in establishing eligibility for federal and state financial aid.
Training services include occupational skills training, on-the-job training, incumbent worker training, transitional jobs, and adult education and literacy provided concurrently or in combination with other training services.