BERC Connect – April 2017
April 3, 2017Patrick W.: Thanks to BERC for helping after being laid off
April 26, 2017For more information contact:
Denise Rickell, BERC Manager
Spring Job Fair Announced
Westminster, MD – April 19, 2017 – The Carroll County Business & Employment Resource Center (BERC) is seeking businesses with current job openings to participate in the spring job fair on Thursday, May 4th from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Westminster workforce center located at 224 North Center Street.
Businesses are asked to register by emailing BERC Business Consultant Scott Singleton at ssingleton@ccg.carr.org by April 24th to be included in newspaper advertisements. Businesses will be asked to provide information in advance about the types and number of positions available. Center personnel will be on hand to greet job seekers, help answer questions and to provide assistance.
BERC Manager Denise Rickell states “BERC’s spring job fair provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to recruit seasonal help as well as to connect with permanent employees. Business representatives are allotted space to conduct preliminary interviews and to talk to candidates about their company and the jobs they have to offer. Hundreds of job seekers attend this free annual event to explore local job opportunities.”
Carroll County Business & Employment Resource Center is Economic Development’s workforce agency that is part of America’s Job Network and the Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Area. The BERC mission is to develop a highly trained and effective workforce for new and existing businesses, to assist individuals in achieving employment, and to encourage lifelong learning.
BERC is open Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. BERC also posts job openings on Twitter @carroll_works. For more information please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at www.carrollworks.com.
Carroll County Department of Economic Development works to increase wealth in Carroll County by growing the tax base and creating new jobs. For Economic Development, follow @CarrollEconDev on Twitter and visit www.carrollbiz.org.
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