VR Training for Workforce – Panel Discussion
August 15, 2022
Truck Driver Certificate Training Program
Contact: Heather Powell, Manager
Carroll County Workforce Development
Workforce Center Launches Improved Jobs Board
Westminster, MD, Wednesday, August 24, 2022 – Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) specializes in recruitment and job search services and now offers a new and improved job posting system at no charge to area businesses. Center staff work with hundreds of job seekers annually and help generate interest in local companies and refer potential candidates for posted job openings.
All openings are included in a jobs list on the carrollworks.com website. The information will also be shared on CCWD social media pages including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. The job posting will be shared with CCWD staff, community partners, and all job-seeking customers. Additionally, the Carroll County Government GovDelivery newsletter (https://carrollworks.com/subscribe/) provides a notification of updates to the CCWD job list page and is available with a free subscription.
Carroll County Workforce Development’s Jobs Board saves businesses time and money as the service is offered at no charge. Once the job information form is completed and submitted, it helps to generate awareness of the company and its opportunities.
Workforce Development Manager Heather Powell shared, “With the comprehensive assessments, trainings, and recruitment services that we offer to businesses and job seekers along with our community partners in education, community services, and local and state government – we are building an agile and responsive talent pipeline in Carroll County.”
About Carroll County Workforce Development
Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) is Economic Development’s workforce agency that is part of America’s Job Network. The CCWD mission is to develop a highly trained and effective workforce for new and existing businesses, to assist individuals in achieving employment and to encourage lifelong learning. CCWD’s federal funding for Fiscal Year 22 is $2,217,441.93. This represents $90.4% of available funds. Services are offered Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at www.carrollworks.com.
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