Maryland Division of Labor and Industry workshops
April 5, 2019
Inclement Weather Policy
December 9, 2019Westminster, MD – Summertime is the perfect time for young people to experience their first job and earn a little spending money. Thankfully, Carroll has some dedicated business owners that sign up to work with the youth from the Carroll County Business /Employment Resource Center (BERC) Youth Works! program. For six weeks this summer youth participants were placed in jobs alongside business mentors to learn valuable work skills and to do jobs that help the business.
Businesses and agencies that participated in the program include: Carroll Lutheran Village, F & S Transportation Services, Culinary Services Group, Carroll County Farm Museum, Terry’s Tag & Title, Just Ink & Threads, Legacy Septic & Excavation, Country Kitchen restaurant, Venessa’s Corner Pub, Westminster Car Wash, Carroll County Public Schools and BERC.
Some businesses have participated for several summers and several have extended the youth employment beyond the six-week program to give the youth more work experience.
Human Resources manager Becki Friedman shared “F&S Transportation MD, Inc. is happy to help out the youth in our community and feel that BERC Youth works! is a wonderful program that allows teenagers the opportunity to work at a job to learn how to follow directions and develop a good work ethic. We have participated for the last two years and have had the pleasure of sponsoring two young gentlemen who have proven themselves to be polite, respectful, hardworking, and self-motivated. We support this summer work program and look forward to meeting more hard working, outstanding individuals next summer.”
The Youth Works! summer program is supported by a Maryland Department of Labor grant and is part of a year-round youth program that provides career counseling, GED/High School diploma attainment, work experience, skills training, résumé development, job search assistance and supportive services to youth age 16-24.
Youth who are interested in advancing their earning potential are encouraged to contact Megan Blizzard, Youth Program Coordinator at 410-386-2826 or email mailto:mblizzard@carrollcountymd.gov.
About Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center
Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center is Economic Development’s workforce agency that is part of America’s Job Network and the Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Area.
The BERC mission is to develop a highly trained and effective workforce for new and existing businesses, to assist individuals in achieving employment and to encourage lifelong learning. BERC is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at carrollworks.com.