BERC offering year-round youth employment program
February 24, 2016Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Board – Notice of Teleconference Meeting
August 31, 2016Public Comment Notice – August 3, 2016
WIOA Local Plan Available for Public Comment
Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act signed into law by President Obama July 22, 2014, The Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Area’s PY16-PY20 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Local Plan is submitted for public comment for the period August 3, 2016, through September 1, 2016.
A draft copy of the plan can be reviewed by clicking here. Comments regarding the plan can be submitted via email to: owd@howardcountymd.gov or delivered or mailed to the following locations: Columbia Workforce Center, 7161 Columbia Gateway Drive, Ste. D., Columbia, MD 21046 or the Carroll County Business and Employment Resource Center 224 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157.