Job Seekers: BERC Spring Job Fair 208
April 11, 2018
BERC Draws Businesses and Job Seekers
The Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Board (WDB) collaborates with a wide variety of individuals, businesses, and organizations. The WDB views its mission as guiding a regionally recognized workforce development system that aligns with the economic and educational goals of the state of Maryland resulting in a qualified workforce available to businesses across Howard and Carroll Counties; our mission directly supports economic and business growth. The vision is for a Mid- Maryland where every person maximizes his or her career potential and businesses have access to the human capital they need to be successful.
This RFP was prepared based upon the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) and associated U.S. Department of Labor Regulations and guidance. This Federal law was implemented to consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs in the United States. WIOA provides the framework for a national workforce preparation system that is flexible, responsive, customer-focused, demand driven and locally managed.
The Core Program Partners who are required to collaborate and participate in the One-Stop System include: WIOA Adult, Dislocated Workers, Youth; Wagner-Peyser; Adult Education and Literacy; and, Vocational Rehabilitation. Maryland also includes TANF as a core program partner. Additional partners of the Mid-Maryland workforce system are Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers, Trade Act, Veterans, Carl Perkins, DLLR Division of Unemployment Insurance, Department of Human Services Community Development Block Grants (employment and training); and the Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP).
The WIOA Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Area Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) serves the key purpose of defining partner roles and focuses, in part, on the shaping of the workforce system. This includes the sharing of resources, referral agreements, etc.
To ensure that the workforce system efficiently meets the needs of both the businesses and jobseekers that it serves, Mid-Maryland supports the Governor’s vision for the workforce development system as described in the State Plan. The Mid-Maryland WDB, including the required workforce partners, jointly developed the Local Workforce Plan.
The hallmarks of WIOA include:
- A demand driven and customer centric system that provides workforce
- A system that provides workers with the skills and credentials necessary to secure and advance in employment, and provide businesses with the skilled workers they need to
- A system that contributes to the economic growth of the area and region and increases the competitiveness of businesses and the
- Sharing skills and resources of partner organizations to avoid duplication of effort and provide a comprehensive approach to workforce
Mid-Maryland shares the state’s vision of people before performance.
In accordance with Section 107 of the legislation and 20 CFR 678.605 of WIOA Regulations, the Mid- Maryland Workforce Development Board is competitively procuring the One-Stop Operator. We are soliciting proposals to identify a One-Stop Operator for both of the Mid-Maryland comprehensive One- Stop centers. This operator shall not be engaged in the provision of direct services.
American Job Centers in Mid-Maryland
Carroll County Business/Employment Resource Center
224 N. Center St., Westminster, MD 21157
Columbia Workforce Center
7161 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, MD 21046
The Mid-Maryland Local Plan: http://www.midmarylandWIB.org
WIOA law and regulations: www.doleta.gov/wioa
Maryland’s WIOA Combined State Plan: www.dllr.maryland.gov/wdplan
Mid-Maryland MOU: http://www.midmarylandWIB.org
Bidders must submit their questions through the Public Purchase web site, using the instructions below. Questions must be submitted five (5) days prior to bid opening.
Bidders may submit questions to the agency on specific bids. Click on the title of a bid, on the right of the bid page click [View/Ask Questions] to open a new page that lists all previous questions and answers. Click “Ask a Question,” enter your question in the field provided and click “Save” to submit your question. Your question is immediately sent by email to the contact person for the bid. When your question is answered you will be notified by email and the answer may be posted on the bid.
Tip: By using the “Questions” feature your questions and the agency’s answers can be posted on Public Purchase making them available to all other vendors that are registered with the agency. If you would like to confidentially submit questions to the agency, contact the bid’s main contact. It will be up to the discretion of the Buyer to decide if questions/answers are confidential.
Download the RFP Packet